We Love Teachers Giveaway!

I don’t know about you, but it’s about that time of summer when I start wondering if I could get away with making one of those countdown chains we used to make in elementary school.  You know, when we’d use construction paper links to build a chain and rip off one each day until we were down to one link left the day before Christmas?  With the kids arguing 24/7 the past couple of days, I’m just. so. ready. for. school. to start.

Anywho…..I know there’s a group of people out there who AREN’T ready for school to start.




So, I’m showing them some love with my latest giveaway, which is LIVE right now!

TWO winners will receive a Simplified Teacher Planner 2019-2020 by Emily Ley @simplifiedplanner AND their choice of one book from whatever is in my giveaway inventory stash at the time this giveaway closes.  (Pssst…my inventory is pretty full right now because summer’s had me running every direction but towards posting giveaways very often.)

School’s gonna start soon and I know this planner is the envy of all the teachers, so get yourself entered…and if you win and you’re NOT a teacher? Make someone’s whole YEAR by gifting it to them!

PS – can I just say I thought of this giveaway because 1) these planners are currently on sale for 50% off and 2) it is July 24th and school starts around here one month from yesterday. One veeeeeerrry long month. 😬


Be sure to share this post with your teacher friends!  And comment below…when does school start in your next of the woods?  Are you ready?

Posted by amyodland

1 comment

Last spring was my first semester teacher. I go back August 1 for round 2!