Angels in the Grocery Store – a guest post by Elizabeth Rosner


By Elizabeth Rosner

Galatians 5:14 GNT: For the whole Law is summed up in one commandment: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” (Tweet this)


My mom and step-dad, affectionately known to everyone as Sugah and Big Daddy, have recently experienced some setbacks.  Big Daddy, 84, is an insulin dependent diabetic.  While he takes great care of himself, this disease has taken quite a toll on his body.  In December, it caused an ocular stroke, leaving him blind in his right eye and with poor vision in his left.  On the day of his stroke, Big Daddy drove himself to the eye doctor.  He was fiercely independent, with an active life both socially and in community service.  With the loss of his vision came many other losses too: driving, filling his syringes with insulin, and peripheral vision. At Christmas, Big Daddy and Alexander, my 18 year old son, were talking.  Big Daddy was tearfully explaining to Alexander that he has never once mourned the loss of his vision.  He said, “There are many tasks I can no longer do myself, but so many have stepped in to help me.  Next week, Bill has offered to drive me to breakfast and John will take me to the meeting on Friday.”   He hasn’t missed his breakfasts with friends and he continues to be energetically involved in his many community service activities.  He concluded that he could not possibly complain about this loss when God has given him so much.  


An example of even the smallest of roles being filled happened recently when Sugah and Big Daddy were shopping at their local grocery store one day.  A man walked up to Big Daddy, and said, “Sir, may I tie your shoe?”  He said this as he simultaneously bent down and tied the shoe.  My mom was taken aback, that this young man would perform such an intimate act for a complete stranger. They thanked him and my mom said, “I hope someone will tie your shoes one day.” The man replied, “My mom always said that.”  Later, as my mom was relaying the story to me, she admitted that she has prayed for this man.  I said that I would pray too, and I asked his name.   Sugah said, “I have no idea. I couldn’t even tell you what he looked like.  He was gone so quickly but his act meant so much!”




1 Timothy 5:1 ESV – Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father

Dear Jesus, Thank You for sending Your angel to the grocery store to minister to Big Daddy.  Thank You that this man didn’t rebuke him, and instead, afforded him dignity in performing such an intimate act.  Lord, we do not know this man’s name, but You do.  Bless him, Jesus.  Multiply his blessings a thousand fold.  Teach all of us to see these opportunities, and to act on them, even if it means bending down to the floor of a grocery store to tie an older man’s shoes.  AMEN.



To connect with Elizabeth on social media, click the links below:

Elizabeth Rosner…..
Christ follower. Prayer warrior. Wife, Mom, Hugger, and Encourager.

Posted by amyodland


Rev. John Pae

What a wonderful story. I pray that my sons will be such gentle spirits. We need more and more of kind and honorable gentlemen in this work. God bless.

May God abundantly bless that young man for literally being the hands of Jesus.