Angels Attending – a guest post by Elizabeth Rosner


He will command His angels concerning you to guard you carefully.  Luke 4:10 (Tweet this)

By Elizabeth P. Rosner


2 am Friday morning.  My husband wakes me to tell me our son, Alexander, has had a wreck. The car is totaled, but he is fine. Mike and I jump in the car to go get Alexander.  We arrive and the sight is so scary.  Alexander is standing outside his car, in 20 degree weather, shivering and sobbing.  I run to him and cling to him, thanking God for the one gazillionth time for the gift of this child and for keeping him safe.  I put Alexander in the back seat of our car while Mike calls the police. I go back to Alexander’s car to retrieve the minutiae – garage door opener, university parking pass, phone cords, his longboard. Before I can do that though, I am struck by the fact that there is no front end on the car.  It is completely smashed in.  The left front tire that was just minutes before perpendicular to the road is now laying flat. From the front it looks as if nothing could possibly survive such a collision.  Yet, my son  is nestled feet away from me, still in shock and crying, but alive!  PRAISE JESUS!


The police arrive and inquire about the accident.  The officer says there are many deer on the road and this happens often.  He does not issue a ticket nor does he perform any sobriety check.  He is calm and reassuring to Alexander that it was not his fault.  I get in the back seat with him and hug him again.  I ask again if he feels ok, did he hit his head, is anything broken?  He says the only thing that hurts is his thumb.  I look and it is purple at the nail bed but he can move it.  The officer asks Alexander if he needs to go to the hospital and he declines.


The flatbed tow truck pulls up.  He says the Mini Cooper  has some special device that is needed to tow it.  If that is not available, he can just tow from the frame.  He goes under the car and the frame is gone.  Completely smashed.  He has to tow attaching the hook to the engine.  As he is pulling the car from the trees, the officer says we can go.


The three of us walk in our house, less than a mile away from where this happened.  I tuck my little boy, my 18 year old almost-a-man child, into bed.  I cry joyful, grateful, momma tears and thank the sweet Lord Jesus that he is home with us and not in a hospital ICU or worse.  A mother’s worst nightmare has been averted.


The next morning when Alexander wakes up, we go to urgent care.  The doctor sees the pictures and proclaims my son a walking miracle.  While waiting on x-rays, the Lord directs me to Jeremiah 29:11.  This is a verse that has been a foundation for both Alexander and I for many, many years.  The Lord comforts me that He has great plans for Alexander.  Then I read the next two verses.  

We have all gotten those middle of the night phone calls that raise us from a dead sleep.  I was not awake at 2am praying fervently for my child.  I was asleep.  My prayers, though, go before me.  We anointed his car and prayed over it, asking for angels to attend him every second he was in that car.  The Lord promises we can call on Him and He will answer.  In this, my prayers were answered before I called on Him.

The doctor comes back in with the x-ray results.  Nothing is broken.  His thumb just needs a minor procedure to alleviate the pain.  We think this happened when the airbag deployed. He bandaged the thumb and we are back home.  


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13


Dear Jesus, when I look at the pictures of the mangled car my heart drops.  When I see those two trees and the fragments of his side mirror amongst the debris I am astounded.  When I see his bandaged thumb, knowing it could have been so much worse, I praise YOU!  I thank You Jesus for Your plans, Your protection, Your willingness to answer our calls, even before we make them. Thank You for answering this momma’s most fervent prayer to keep her child safe.  AMEN




To connect with Elizabeth on social media, click the links below:

Elizabeth Rosner…..
Christ follower. Prayer warrior. Wife, Mom, Hugger, and Encourager.

Posted by amyodland


Shelby Tomlinson

God is so good. All the time. Blessed.

Beth Currey

Had I not actually seen & hugged Xander myself, the day after this incident, it would be hard to believe from that picture that someone walked away. Jesus is truly in the miracle business & Xander is living proof.
The unceasing prayers of a Mom who lifted her son up & placed him in the arms of Jesus before he was even born are a testament to His faithfulness. Amen!