by Rachel Person
When I was a teenager, I worked at a Christian book and music store. One of our frequent and regular customers was a blind man. I was always amazed at how easily he recognized my voice and called me by name. He was a great conversationalist, had a great smile and laugh, and had a positive, upbeat, and optimistic demeanor. I remember at my young age being so impressed at his ability to live such a self-sufficient, happy, and purpose-filled life.
One day, in one of our many conversations at the store, he told me he had been blind since birth. I had oftentimes wondered and struggled with which scenario would be worse: would it be harder to be blind from birth or have sight, lose it, and then forever know what you were missing? I asked him if he ever wondered what he looked like or how he envisioned other people in his mind since he couldn’t see them. I’ll NEVER forget his response:
“I do see people, Rachel, but not in the same way you or most of the seeing world does. I don’t consider my blindness to be a handicap, but simply something that forces me to see people the way God does. I see their hearts. I hear their kindness and encouragement in their words, tone, and voice. I feel their love in the way they hug me, serve me, and care for me. I can see them for who they truly are because things on the outside are invisible to me.”
I have come back to this conversation and the words that were exchanged numerous times over the course of my life. I decided at my young age of 16 to try throughout my life to see people as he did. And as God did. I didn’t want to see through my eyes anymore – all the materialistic, outer shell appearances that the world said mattered. I wanted to see people with my heart.
I love the quote, “If the whole world were blind, how many people would you impress?” (Tweet this) I think of the number of industries and the amount of money spent focusing on our outward appearance. I’ll be the first person to admit that I love being fancy and being a girly girl and getting all dressed up. I also love throwing my hair in a braid, putting on a hat, and wearing a t-shirt and shorts while driving in my jeep. However, the older I get, the less I’m trying to focus on the outside (it’s deteriorating quickly anyways ) and more on the inside and on what truly matters in this life. I’ve still got a TON of work to do. There’s some ugly things deep down inside of me. However, I am trying to dig down into those places and make them beautiful too. The most beautiful people I’ve known in my lifetime are those whose hearts are kind to others. “Beauty fades. A beautiful heart lasts forever.” My prayer is that God will continue to keep these aging eyes laser focused, seeing clearly with 20/20 sharp vision, able to look deeply into the hearts of others. May I seek and find beauty in all people as God does and love them with His vision and sight.
“The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,
the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes,
because that is the doorway to her heart,
the place where love resides.
True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It’s the caring that she lovingly gives,
the passion that she shows
And the beauty of a woman only grows
with passing years.”
~ Audrey Hepburn
Rachel Person…
is a married, Midwest, mother of 5. She’s an ENFP, coffee addicted, sunshine adoring, outdoor adventuring, jeep driving, adrenaline addict. As a 2 time American Ninja Warrior competitor, she’s an energetic, eternal optimist with a passion for pull-ups, photography, and people.
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