Confessions of an Accidental DIY-er

By Jenny Downey


A cracked toilet tank recently became the catalyst for an intense month of DIY home projects. The leaky culprit forced our hands. We had no choice but to replace the broken toilet. However, one thing led to another, and before long we were tackling new flooring, paint, trim, vanity, lights and plumbing. With Christmas bills coming in, it seemed wise to keep the project low-budget by doing the work ourselves. Healthy doses of YouTube videos, Googled articles and Pinterest links helped supplement our lack of experience.

The bathroom was such a success, we decided to take on the kitchen.  And oh, my, how that project has gotten out of hand!  People keep telling me that my social media posts about our DIY projects are inspiring them. That’s a lot of pressure! A recent bout of insomnia found me wide awake at 2am debating floor stain options. I realized I was getting way too worked up about all this, which then led me to reflect on some of the lessons I’ve been learning through all of this DIY detritus, most of which have spiritual correlations, of course:  


#1 Chaos Proceeds Progress

What is the first step in most remodeling projects?  Demolition.  Rip out the broken, remove the outdated, strip off the unwanted, and get rid of the debris before ushering in the new.  All these things make a mess.  Chaos and messes make me uptight because I have a high need for order.  However, in this DIY process, I have learned to accept the chaos because it is necessary and doesn’t last forever if I will work through it.  The bathroom is a beautiful, finished accomplishment.  I think God allows me to experience chaos in other areas of my life because HE is working towards a beautiful, finished project through my sanctification.  He must introduce chaos to rid stuff in my life, too, like the debris of unforgiveness, the outdated habits that lead to sin, and the broken parts that keep me from experiencing growth in Him.

God allows me to experience chaos in other areas of my life because HE is working towards a beautiful, finished project through my sanctification (click to tweet)

#2 Everything Takes Longer Than You Think

Unexpected setbacks, interruptions, & responsibilities paired with multiple trips to the hardware store make for an adjusted project timeline.  Sadly, my kids keep expecting dinner and the laundry continues piling up, forcing me to halt DIY activity and work on domestic duties.  Spiritual growth seems to follow a similar pattern; it’s not a streamlined path of forward progress.  I have seasons of intense growth and seasons of stagnancy where I question if I am maturing at all. BUT…God is at work and my rushing the process would not equal the best outcome. There are friends who need a listening ear, kids who need love, attention and prayer, neighbors who need a helping hand. These are worthy of my time, even if they mean slowing down the DIY work and putting my project task-list on hold temporarily.  


#3 Dependence on Others is Not a Weakness

This entire season of DIY has revealed how much we depend on others, thereby rendering the term “Do It Yourself” a huge misnomer.  We’ve asked for advice, borrowed tools, invited feedback, and welcomed help. We’re on a first-name basis with a helpful Home Depot employee who seems invested in our success. My husband, Neil, & I have tackled things we never knew we could do because we had each other for support in the process. One of us has to give the other a pep talk to press on and finish when the going gets tough. We problem solve, brainstorm, and laugh at our mistakes. Somehow, doing it together makes it bearable. To me, this is a picture of life connected to God and church community.  We share the WHOLE of life, accepting that others might have the answers we seek or the wisdom to help us through a problem if we humble ourselves to ask.


#4 Mistakes Don’t Have to De-Rail Us

We’ve definitely had our share of DIY “oops” moments. Some have been easy fixes, while others have required an adjustment to the plans. One example is the paint color…it didn’t match the paint chip at all!  Thankfully it still looks awesome, and we are glad it turned out the color it did.  God delights in taking our “oops” moments and crafting them into something better than we imagined.  It takes trust from us, though. God knows what He is doing, even if we may doubt His process at times.


So, as of right now, the kitchen is still in progress.  Painting cabinets led to painting walls which led to sanding and restaining floors and now we find ourselves searching for new countertops.  None of this is coming easily. We are learning as we go, correcting mistakes, seeking advice, borrowing from others’ experiences, and persevering through setbacks.  Like faith, something transformative is happening amidst the drop-clothes, sawdust, and piles of tools.  






Jenny Downey…
loves sharing the humor in life.  Many days find her driving carpool, meeting clients for real estate appointments, or traveling to soccer tournaments.  She and Neil have common interests of music, reading, trying new recipes, DIY projects, cheering their four children on in soccer and choir, and watching Netflix.  The grace of God has been a consistent theme in her life.  That, and coffee.

To connect with Jenny on social media, click the links below:

Posted by amyodland